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Tips for Optimal Virtual Learning

Tips for optimal virtual learning: 

  • Create a desk/classroom setting- Creating a designated desk area for your child will help them stay seated and focused.  An actual desk with a chair works well as does a laptop shelf where the child is seated on the ground. The most important aspect for me as the teacher is that I get a clear angle of your child's face. A desk setting like this would best create the ideal setting. 

  • For the first month of class, it is suggested that you have someone (mom, dad, caretaker) sit next to your child during the class. This will help your child stay engaged. Only your child should be visible in the video frame. Over time, you will find your child will be able to sit in the classes mostly independently. Of course, you are always welcome to sit next to your child during the class. However, it is imperative that you do not feed them answers. I know it can be very tempting to do so especially if they are put on the spot.. but based on what we have observed, students learn much quicker if they are forced to think through their answers. As the teacher, I will make sure to facilitate their learning in this manner to ensure the highest level of learning. 


  • Mute/Unmute- On Zoom, it is very difficult to hear anyone if all mics are unmuted. Therefore, the microphone will be on mute the majority of the time. Children are called on often to answer questions throughout the class. Please teach your child to unmute themselves when they get prompted to unmute. It is encouraged that your child be able to do this independently over time. Also as a note, it is much easier for your child to unmute themselves if they are on a tablet. 

  • Chat - If your child is in kindergarten, please try and get them acquainted with the 'chat' option on Zoom. Later on in the class, I hope to utilize this function to have children answer questions and they might need assistance in finding the chat, where to find necessary keys on the tablet/laptop, etc. 

  • Some materials you might need: small dry-erase board/dry-erase marker (we will use this for most classes). Regular markers and paper will also work but dry erase boards are ideal.  

  • Printouts - A printer is suggested for the class. Weekly printouts will be sent out as homework. Half of the homework will be virtual and the other half will be worksheets that can only be sent out electronically so having a printer is a great resource. 

  • Homework- Homework is not mandatory; however, it is strongly encouraged because it will help them learn quicker by reinforcing what was taught in the class. You might find your child will enjoy doing homework over time. Additionally, virtual homework will be on Seesaw--once students know how to log themselves in and access their work homework can also be 100% independent.

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